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YourVoice survey

DEI Is About Hearing Your Voice

Moshe Stareshefsky, White Glove Chief Executive officer at White Glove invites you to complete the Your Voice survey to hear your voice on the critical topics focusing on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Belonging in the workplace. The Your Voice survey is a three-question form to hear more about what you say. Click to complete the survey here or read on to hear the purpose behind the White Glove Your Voice surveys.

The White Glove Belief System as a DEI + Belonging Employer:

Our principal goal at White Glove is to create an atmosphere of acceptance, respect, and sense of belonging; the place you can call home. This is not a statement, but the priority value we live and work by. Inclusion is more profound than words being said. It is the tiny nuances flavoring the actions of equity in the workforce is what makes the difference.

We believe it is the power of our uniqueness and individuality which is paramount in bringing the talent in an organization to the next level. We strong because of it, not despite of it. The beauty in the White Glove Teams is our diverse backgrounds, cultures, religion, gender, and other outer or inner differences. That’s what makes us interesting. That’s what makes us special. That’s what makes us strong. And yep, that is what makes us White Glove.

 What is Diversity?

Diversity is our greatest strength.

Inclusiveness is about recognizing the level of talent every individual offer.

Vocalize your opinion because every opinion matters.

Encourage awareness on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace.

Respect everyone not despite who they are, but because of who they are.

Service clients with equate dignity no matter their disabilities, differences, or appearance.

Introduce your value system to more people.

Together we can make the difference and change the world.

Your Voice Surveys are here to help White Glove set our goals even further for 2023!

How Your Voice Surveys Helps Us Reach Our DEI+B Goals:

If you ask us, being an equal opportunity employer is only attained when leadership truly hears the individual voices within their organization. It is NOT about bold statements to the press or saying the things that sound right. It is about hearing directive of those beneficiary to the subtle differences so your actions can reflect appropriately. To enable us to set our DEI + belonging goals even further we ask you to participate in our Your Voice survey based on Diversity and Inclusion topics.

Your Voice Matters.

Take the Your Voice Survey now.
