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Tips for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Caring for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia takes a lot of patience and flexibility. To help reduce frustrations consider some of the following tips to help them with daily tasks and to also help create a safe environment with them.

Establish a Routine

When simple tasks become difficult it causes those with dementia to become agitated so it is important to schedule and establish a daily routine. Some of the tasks include scheduling baths and medical appointments accordingly.

Take your Time

Understand that it takes those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia longer to complete their tasks, so it is important to allow time for breaks and not rush them.

Involve Them

It’s important to allow those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia to do as much as possible with little assistance. Ways you can help them are laying out their clothes for them or setting the table the same way for them to feed themselves easily.

Limit Their Naps

Napping can disrupt their sleeping patterns and confuse their sense of time so it’s important to limit daytime naps.

Prevent Falls

Make sure all areas are clear from clutter and grab bars and handrails are installed in critical areas.

Use Locks

Consider having locks installed to anything that can be potentially dangerous to them such as medications, alcohol, guns, toxic cleaning substances, and dangerous utensils or tools.

Take Fire Safety Precautions

Keep matches and lighters out of reach for them. Make sure fire extinguishers are accessible and all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries.

You are not alone!

Caring for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia can be draining and requires a lot of patience and understanding. It’s important for you to also provide for caregivers to manage their own self-care and know when to seek for help. Support groups, family, and friends are great support systems to have to help you deal with the stress of caregiving. Remember we are always here for you too!


Source: www.alz.org
