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Staying Healthy as an Essential Worker

Being an essential worker means you are out there working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our White Glove Community Care homecare caregivers and nurses are part of those essential workers, so we care about their well being and safety. It is important for them to make sure they are taking the safety precautions needed to stay healthy not only for themselves but for their families and for the patients they care for. Here are some tips to staying healthy as an essential worker.

Wash Your Hands!

As repetitive as you may have heard it, washing your hands often is your first step in staying healthy. Make sure to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially when you have been exposed to public places or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If you aren’t able to wash with soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol as per recommended by the CDC. As always, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth especially when you have not washed your hands.

wash hands

Practice Social Distancing

When traveling to work and doing essential shopping or errands be sure to follow social distance protocols. This includes standing at least six feet apart from those around you. If the train or bus appear to be crowded, consider waiting until it is emptier. As per recommended by the CDC, wear a cloth face covering in public, especially in those areas where there is significant community-based transmission.

When caring for your patients, make sure to wear proper protective equipment including masks and gloves when assisting them with their needs. Maintain social distancing in their homes by avoiding unnecessary physical contact.

social distancing

Clean and Disinfect Often!

Make sure you are cleaning your most frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes your tables, doorknobs, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, and light switches.

Be sure to follow this protocol in the homes of those you care for so they are also protected from any germs you may be carrying with you. When entering their homes, consider leaving your shoes at their doorstep and leaving your belongings in one designated area.



Take Care of Yourself

We cannot express the importance of selfcare especially during this difficult time. We want to make sure you are acknowledging your wellbeing by practicing selfcare. This can include meditation, exercising, and yoga. On your days off, consider taking the time to do things you love weather it be cooking your favorite meals, reading a book, or watching your favorite shows.

self care

Eat Healthy

Besides taking care of your mental health, make sure you are also taking care of your body. Stay hydrated with plenty of water and avoid drinking sugary drinks or consuming too much alcohol. Instead prepare smoothies filled with natural fruits and vegetables. Cook well balanced meals following all the major food group guidelines. Consider taking multivitamins especially those containing Vitamin C.

eat healthy

We are thankful for our essential workers and we appreciate you for caring for those in our community who need you must. So please eat well, exercise, get plenty of rest, practice social distancing, and wash your hands often! Remember we are here for you.

thank you nurses









