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Our Past Events and Winners

Grand Prize Winner

RN William was our Grand Prize Winner during our Auction U Event.

Check Out His Adventure Here

Laughter Event

We had a great time with Celeste Green laughter Yoga instructor.

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Auction U

Nurses had the chance to win various prizes for completing40 hours.

Watch Our Event Here

Airpod Auction U Winner

LPN Early Piqueta won a pair of new airpods during our Auction U giveaway. Thank you, Early, for all you do!

Luggage Auction U Winner

Nurse Janelle was the winner of our travel luggage during our auction U event. Thank you, Janelle, for all you do!

Hobby Promotion

Do what you LOVE most! Get the hobby packet of your choice delivered to home.

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1000 Hobby Packets were shipped

We’re thrilled  to share with you the incredible hobbies – nurses shared with us.

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Stay tuned for our next event
