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Show Yourself Some Love

As caregivers, we are called to show compassion for others daily. As important as it is to be there for those around us, it’s important for us to also show ourselves the same level of kindness so we can become better caregivers. Check out ways you can show yourself some love below.

Eat Healthy

Instead of grabbing fast food, consider choosing more healthier options like preparing yourself a nourishing meal filled with lots of vegetables, fruits, and protein to fuel your body and mind.

Keep Track of Your Accomplishments

Having a to-do list comes naturally, especially when you wear many hats in the family. It’s important to give yourself a pat on the back no matter how small the task you’ve completed from preparing a family meal to doing the laundry.

Practice Gratitude

With so much going on, sometimes you forget how much you have to be thankful for. Keep a journal by your bed and note the things you feel lucky to have or something you’re grateful for that reminds you why you do the things you do.

Treat Your Inner Child

Do you have a favorite treat or hobby you enjoyed when you were little? Take a stroll down memory lane and treat yourself to things that made you happy and allow those warm feelings to wash over you again.

Read a Book

Are you a book lover? If so, set time to cozy up to a good book and let yourself get lost in the words of the author and stories within them.

Get Up and Move!

Exercising helps to release endorphins that can help increase your feelings of happiness. It’s also a great way to release stress. Consider walking through a scenic nature trail or doing yoga some place peaceful.


Technology has taken over our daily lives so sometimes it’s good to set a moment for yourself to turn off the devices and focus on being in the present moment and have in person communications versus through social media or texting.

Take a Nap

Some of us do not get enough sleep in a night so every now and then go ahead and treat yourself to a good nap time to help you recharge before you have to get back to doing household chores. Your body and mind will thank you later.

We’re Thankful for You!

We’re thankful for all our caregivers for all they do so don’t forget to take the time to be thankful for yourself too. Your self-care is important because you matter just as much as those that you care for. We hope you find the time to practice self-care and make sure you schedule your doctor appointments regularly to help manage your health as well. You are all amazing!
