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Yarnell Wheeler, FNS

Highlighting Yarnell Wheeler, Field Nursing Supervisor

We are fortunate to have Yarnell Wheeler amongst our outstanding team of Field Nursing Supervisors. Carrying the badge of a nurse in the field is so multi-faceted, where your responsibilities include supporting both the patients and more nurses. Performing those home assessments are detailed and you must stay organized, but acing the race is Yarnell’s specialty.

Yarnell and White Glove? We go back in time.

We were privileged to get to know Yarnell right out of school. “I still learnt about White Glove while studying in Borough of Manhattan College. The values they stand for spoke to me and I knew I will become part of this amazing organization.” Yarnell says.

Yarnell joined our outstanding White Glove Community Care team more than ten years ago, when she was still getting her feet wet as a New Grad Nurse.

Yarnell signed up for our free externship program which is something she would recommend for every nurse. It is a two-week training which gives you the value of more than doing clinicals, being very geared for the specific equipment you will be using on your assignment.

“White Glove helped me ground my career, but they didn’t leave it at that. In the ten years since I started, I explored Private Duty Nursing for peds and adults, 1:1 school nursing, office school nursing, before getting promoted to be a field nursing supervisor. White Glove is the place for those who love opportunities and growth.” Yarnell recommends.

In her years working as a private duty nurse performing direct patient care, Yarnell etched the difference in countless lives. She somehow found magic in getting through to the most difficult patients; her caring found a way to their heart. One of her patients who moved out of state kept in touch with her regularly for years after she was there. Yarnell found the greatest challenge in direct nursing to be dealing with a loss of a patient or withstanding their deterioration.  Virtually, you spend more time with your patients than with your own family and your heart feels the drops and turns on the roller coasters they face.

Her Role as a Field Nursing Supervisor As a field nursing supervisor, Yarnell feels she can help a broader scope of people. It is rewarding to advocate patients to ensure they get their proper medication and treatment. Her in person visits give her an inside glance where she can truly listen to any patients’ concerns to address it further. Coming from direct patient care with critical patients, she has a full understanding of the caregiver end, willing to assist them with any questions they may have.

“Field Nursing gave me the exposure to patients of many cultures, ethnicities, and more differences. I love the diversity of White Glove where they set a priority goal is to cater to everyone with respect and caring. It taught me a lot.”

Working predominantly with many Spanish speaking patients, she taught herself the language to communicate better.

Yarnell Takes the Moment to Say a Special Thank You

“Hats off to some incredible nurses I met while working as a field nurse in our monthly conferences and meetings. Elizabeth Radon, Quality Improvement Officer is a highly informative, encouraging source of inspiration to all. I want to personally thank my coordinator Betty, for making my transition to Field Nursing so easy and stress-free.”

Can You Imagine Yarnell was Nearly Going for a Career with Numbers?

Though Yarnell always had her heart on the medical field, it was not centered on wearing scrubs specifically. After attending a medical high school, and taking her prerequisites for medical school, Yarnell’s math teacher gave her second thoughts. Yarnell did so outstanding in math, that her teacher could not fathom how this A+ student was going to go for anything but. Convinced, Yarnell majored in math, then continued her schooling in Computer Science.

To fund her schooling, she took some courses and started working as an HHA, helping the elderly at home. Call it eye opening, lifechanging or career changing, but what basically happened was that Yarnell knew she found her calling! She dropped the number thing to go for the people thing! (Though nurses & numbers are pretty close cousins, eh?)

Recharging After a Day at Work

After a fulfilling workday, the best way to unwind finds Yarnell in her happy place – listening to her favorite music. She also enjoys shopping and spending time with family. Yarnell believes that family dynamics are important making it her business to upkeep the special relationships in her life. Inspired by Yarnell, her younger sister, Annie Mcphanen was attracted to healthcare, currently working as a medical assistant at a primary health center.

Some Bigger Vision She’s Got

Always up to a new challenge, Yarnell is getting her mind ready to go back to school to work towards becoming a nurse practitioner. This is a step in the direction of her ultimate goal to open her own clinic to service communities in an even broader scope!

Sign up for the White Glove experience today to design your unique career path to growth! 
