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How to Get Through Your Nursing Interview

Job interviews are always a nerve-wracking experience. You want to make sure you can show the hiring manager how you would make the best fit for the job you are applying for. When it comes to nursing, you want to highlight your nursing skills and how you can help make a positive impact to the lives of your patients. Here are a few common nursing interview questions below and how to address them.

This is a commonly asked question during interviews, and this is your chance to describe your passion for the career you chose. You want to make sure you showcase what nursing means to you and how you as a nurse can make a positive impact on your patient’s lives.

Allow your answer to come from the heart by including personal reasons that made you choose nursing such as a family nursing role model or a personal life experience that influenced you. You need to show the hiring manager that the career you chose is more than just a paycheck to you.

As a nurse, you will be facing many challenges. This comes especially to nurses who work in the ER Department. You need to show the hiring manager how well you can handle pressure.

Think of your past jobs where you have faced a crisis and use that as your example of how well you were able to resolve the issues you faced. You want to show them your strategic thinking skills as well as how proactive you are and how calm you can remain during a crisis.

Teamwork is an important skill in any job but is an even more vital skill to have in the nursing field. This is your chance to showcase how well you can work with others around you, while assuring the best outcome for your patient.

Give them specific examples of previous nursing jobs or trainings where you collaborated with other health care professionals to help solve a problem you may have faced with a patient. Show them how you worked as a team to find the best possible treatments for the patient and how it resulted in the patient’s condition improving.

Nursing is no doubt, a stressful job to have. You need to show your hiring manager how well you can maintain a calm in hectic environments. Showcase personal experiences you have had in a previous workplace where you found yourself feeling stress. Explain how you were able to push through this experience how you have learned from it.

Good Luck!

Do not let your fears get in the way of your goals. When preparing for your interview, make sure to have real life experiences ready to share with the hiring manager. Be true to who you are and showcase your best nursing skills that will help place you on top. Do not forget to take a deep breath and strike your best smile. 😊
