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Forever Thankful to our Heroes

The Heart of our Homecare Nurses

The people on the frontlines during this pandemic has not only been the doctors and nurses working in the hospitals but also the homecare nurses who help care for our most vulnerable community. Nursing is a job of heart and compassion and those are the qualities our homecare nurses embody. Our White Glove family consists of RNs and LPNs who give their all everyday to help care for the adults and children in our community that are chronically ill. These nurses are the ones who have shown up to treat each patient and have helped bring a light to someone’s day. In honor of National Homecare and Hospice Month/ National Caregivers Month we would like to feature some of our nurses below.

Meet our Nurses

Nurse Iria

Nurse Iria has been working for White Glove for more than two years as a Private Duty Homecare Nurse and as a School Nurse. She says she loves the opportunities and flexibilities White Glove offers her. “I’ve learned, improved, and grown both personally and professionally. They gave me an opportunity when others would not, and I will always be grateful for that. I have been able to build strong relationships with my patients. That has allowed me to know and anticipate their needs making the caregiving experience easier and more gratifying for all of us.”

Her inspirations that has allowed her to become a better nurse are her patients. Nurse Iria says, “Seeing my pediatric patients grow up not being able to eat, move, or even breath on their own, and still have a smile on their faces; their positive attitude despite their difficulties has brought out the best in me and inspires me every day to be more appreciative of the little things in life and to go to work motivated to be a better nurse and do my best to make their lives better.”

Nurse Natasha

Nurse Natasha has been working in the healthcare industry for over 17 years. She enjoys being a nurse because she loves being able to give back to the community. She also enjoys building “new relationships while rendering a service ensuring a safe and caring environment for the patients.” Her motivation to being a nurse derives from her 17 years working in the industry that has encouraged her to want to do more on a bigger scale for people in her community.

Nurse Elena

Nurse Elena loves being a nurse because it helps bring her a sense of joy. “I like coming home everyday after work with the feeling that I have done something good in my life.” Her advice to other future nurses is to “continue to improve your skills and keep studying.” One of her beautiful takeaway advice is, “each day remind yourself that you are working with a human being. Always try to put yourself in the shoes of the patient.”

Nurse Val

Nurse Val takes great value in being a White Glove nurse. She enjoys being a White Glove nurse because she has had positive experience working with multiple teams within our agency. She has embraced “the concept that together, everyone accomplishes more!”

Her driving motivation for being a nurse thrives from providing excellent care for her patients which has allowed her to learn how to be more conscientious of her work. She feels, “patient safety and comfort are paramount for me as these helps minimize patients being hospitalized.” These two factors are also important to her because it gives a sense of security to her patients and their families.

Nurse Kyla

Nurse Kyla loves being a nurse because she loves helping people. She says, “the people who I professionally care for inspire me. Every patient that I have had the pleasure of providing skilled nursing care for is unique. They each hold a special place in my heart. I enjoy acquiring experiences and expanding my knowledge in the fields of nursing, science and healthcare.” She says that working in home care and hospice in an interesting and a rewarding field to work in. She says she is “honored to be able to help medically fragile members of our community.”

During her time off she loves to explore nature, exercise, cook, and clean. She also enjoys connecting with her friends and family, especially with her fiancé and their rescue dogs that she calls her “fur babies.” Some of her favorite hobbies include hiking, dancing, gymnastics, yoga, scuba diving, surfing, dog training, and studying science and nutrition. She also enjoys picking up trash on beaches and nature preserve areas to help promote her vegan diet lifestyle, which allows her to “maintain a kind and compassionate stance” in her personal and professional life.

Nurse Ronice

Nurse Ronice enjoys working for White Glove because she says, “the staff is great, caring, and looks out for the interest of their nurses.” She likes how “there is excellent team spirit” which is also a good way to describe how important Nurse Ronice’s role is in being a valued White Glove caregiver. Her case manager can depend on her to be there for her patients when they need her most. Ronice’s mother was a nurse for 42 years, which has inspired and motivated Ronice to becoming the compassionate and wonderful nurse she is today. It is no wonder she has the skills and heart to being a better nurse that our community needs.

Thank You!

We love being able to help our community, but we are unable to do so with our wonderful nurses, especially the ones featured above. We are so thankful for our nurses and are grateful to have such valued members in our White Glove family. Please join us in honoring our wonderful nurses and giving a round of applause. 👏 Thank you for providing compassion and heart in everything you do for our adult and pediatric patients who need you most! 💙
