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Festive Holiday Flashbacks

Happy 2024! As we swing back to the old, boring, yet promising normalcy of January- let’s flashback to all the holiday festivities that etched unforgettable memories amongst every member of the White Glove team!


We all agreed- Halloween 2024 was a spooktacular event for the White Glove employees, and though the drama has subsided, the spirit lasted.

The office was transformed into a haunted house with impressive skeletons, ghosts, and pumpkins, creating an eerie but cheerful atmosphere.

Nothing like seeing how our most diligent employees having fun!

See some of the best costumes! Which one do you like best?


We thank every White Glove Nurse who participated in the White Glove SelfGifting! Yup, we made it clear, and we’ll say it again! Thanksgiving is an excellent time to be bold and remember our hardworking, dedicated, beautiful, and precious nurses working tirelessly to provide the best possible care to our patients! Our ‘Thank you, me’ promotion encouraged all White Glove nurses to buy and present a gift for SELF while we foot the bill!

Our Motto: They are not superhuman.. but SUPER human beings who deserve every bit of recognition and R&R coming their way!


We had a blast participating in holiday spirit week’s daily activities, such as decorating the office, wearing holiday-themed clothes, and exchanging gifts. The energy and excitement were contagious, and everyone was in high spirits.

That’s till the last day and the total peak of the week! Our staff went to the Viva Tora restaurant, where we enjoyed delicious food and drinks while sharing stories and laughter to cap off the week and create cherished memories with our colleagues! Special Thanks to Theresa and Odette for arranging this!

New Year!

If you were wondering where our Clinical Teams were amidst all the festivities.. whether they were too busy being the rock to resort to for White Glove nurses and patients to celebrate.. No, we haven’t forgotten our clinicians one tiny bit..! (though if it were up to them, they would say.. let me just finish up this, that & the other..)

And facing the waterfront with a breathtaking city view of Manhattan skyscrapers stretching before our eyes over the east river, Giando on the Water wined and dined it was! Nurse company gave the event that humor spice, eh?

Happy Holidays!

Our sincerest wishes for a happy holiday and a joyous New Year! White Glove nurses, providers, and patients got some ‘YUMMINESS! Delivered to the door to celebrate our mutually valued relationship!!

“Because all the chocolate in the world cannot compare to the sweetness of working with you!”

Didn’t get yours? Let us know!

Got it? Share some photos with us @ empower@whiteglovecare.net and get entered for a giveaway!

Take our best wishes for a Happy New Year with joy, success, and fulfillment!

Not part of our team? Join us for top-paying opportunities based on your preferences along with high year-round spirits and team support!
