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Blue Trophy Award

2023 Annual Blue Trophy Award Winner to be Announced by Mid-January

About the Annual Blue Trophy Caregiver Award:

Suspense is high in those days, with hundreds of White Glove caregivers and inhouse staff members anticipating who will be announced as the winner of the White Glove Annual Blue Trophy Caregiver Award of 2023.

The Annual Blue Trophy Award is presented to one caregiver yearly who exemplifies compound caregiving values and notable achievements.  Frontend staff members are involved in the nomination process by submitting up to three candidates based on seniority, patient satisfaction, reliability, timeliness, and annual accomplishments.

By early November we have received more than 150 candidates who all seemed to fit every criteria for the award. Every file was carefully reviewed by our upper management team, and currently waiting for the final stamp of the White Glove Chief Officers.

By mid-January White Glove Chief Executive Officer, Moshe Stareshefsky, will announce the final nominee of the Annual Blue Trophy Award. Updates will follow how to join the event live. Stay Tuned!!
