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August Nurse of Excellence – Ajasin Risikat, RN

Hey Risikat, Great meeting you! How are you spending your summer?

Hello Everyone! July has been a great month, though pretty routine as far as devoting my time to my patients in school, a job that gives satisfaction and an inner sense of fulfillment while enjoying the weather. My countdown is on for my trip to Nigeria scheduled for the end of August to visit my family, mom, dad, and all my siblings who I left behind eight years ago when emigrating to America. My mom deserves credit for encouraging me to dive into nursing and continues to be proud of my every accomplishment, cheering me on!

We are so happy for you! Hope you enjoy every second!


Can you name something you are passionate about?

A person should only go forward. Never get struck down by circumstances or be afraid of working hard. Women especially, should be independent, advance their studies, and push to further their education.

Becoming an RN has been quite a climb for an immigrant like myself. Overcoming the hurdles, like culture shock and a severe language barrier. Then there was my deep Nigerian accent that brings some locals to respond with a question mark when I said something the first time. Sometimes, I think my accent stands in my favor, making me seem humbler and sometimes people are rather prompted to listen.

I take pride, in having started as a home health aide and then moved my way upward slowly one step at a time. My next goal will be working towards my BSN!

Name your greatest accomplishment as a nurse.

Sometimes you do most by helping patients move past their fears and the stigmas they have about their situations. This past year, I formed one of my most meaningful connections with a twenty-two-year-old darling girl, whom we can call Marie, for the sake of the story.  Marie was smart, capable, and strong, obviously meant for more than being confined to her diagnosis of seizures.

On my shifts, we became more like friends, rather than the traditional nurse-to-patient relationship. She was inspired by her nurse (that’s me!) and she confided that she wanted to become a nurse.

I encouraged her, that yes, she can go to college, and she can do more. I truly believed she could do anything she wanted to do.

Guess what? Marie’s enrolled in college, and you bet the world will have a strong and empathetic nurse someday!

What do you love doing to recharge your passion in your off time?

Music brings mind, body, and spirit together, the perfect relaxation after work.

I also love traveling! Before becoming a nurse, I worked in fashion for woman’s clothes and during that time I have been to many states in the U.S. I have been to Texas, Chicago, Delaware, Ohio, Virginia, and Philadelphia. I also visited Jamaica, Porto Rico, and even Dubai!

Any Message you would like to impart to more nurses?

School nursing is a very fulfilling venue for nurses who love making a difference while being in a professional setting! If this is you, go for it!
