June Nurse of Excellence - Renee Brown - White Glove Community Care
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June Nurse of Excellence – Renee Brown, LPN

Happy to meet you, Renee. Can you tell us about yourself?

Before anything, I must express my sincere gratitude to White Glove for recognizing me for this prestigious honor! Though nursing is not about accolades to me, I do it because I love it, it means a lot to know you are appreciated!

My mother was a nurse at heart, body and spirit. When I graduated high school, she would encourage me to go into nursing too. I am a lot like her and she assumed that in the same way she finds it gratifying helping others I will too. The youthful me was not enchanted by what I have heard. Nursing pay rates were not like today – they were really low. Instead, my ladylike self was pulled to the Merchandizing Marketing line, focusing on women’s clothing, jewelry, and other feminine stuff. It was good. Were it not for my mother I would have been in Merchandizing Marketing still today.

As the years went by, mom grew older. When she turned sick, my brothers wanted to put her for long term care. I stepped my foot down ready for action. Enrolling for LPN courses, I knew I will be my mothers caretaker to give her back all that she did for us children. Towards her end of life, mom asked me why, wouldn’t I reconsider nursing? Here I am, a nurse for more years than fingers, not regretting that decision. When I started my classes, I met a few nurses who dropped out of nursing to go for Merchandizing Marketing. They made me feel I was crazy for doing it because it is so hard. Nursing is something that is you. I guess not everybody is meant for it, but for me it was like finding myself.

That’s a full circle career change! How about nursing, did you start out with homecare from the start?

I am in my second phase of nursing career. When I was younger, I’ve checked out most nursing venues for LPNs. The pediatric line of school nursing position I work at right now is undoubtedly my favorite. When I started out with nursing, school nursing was for RNs only. I spent jumpstarting years I spent in the Psyche nursing, which was rewarding in its own way, helping people who struggled with their own self, want to get better improving their health quality. I’ have also done hospital clinic and most other jobs within the LPN scope of practice. It was everything except for pediatric nursing. I could not see the children being sick.

Once I started with the kid folks I could not look back. They have a line of energy that keeps you on your toes! They are expressive, coming forward with a youthful, appreciative charm.

Born a high energy new yorker with the push in my muscles, I was always more of a go getter and advancers. Several years ago, we moved to Jersey which was a notable adjustment for me. Yet, the great job I’m on helped me ace it.

During the COVID time I had a unique experience. That was the time I left my previous agency, before I joined White Glove. Most students during that time were on zoom classes, yet see there was program running for homeless students, Runaways, and kids form troubled backgrounds from all over. There was a clinic to help them inside the school. Tit is for teenagers from 16 – 24 focusing on teaching the ma career, computer classes, construction, and another few choices.

Can you name an experience or person of inspiration to you?

I am a very proud mom of two beautiful children, by now they are grown and successful themselves. When they were growing up, I lived to a decent standard, but kept my focus on what’s important. They wore jeans and sweatshirts every day, but their minds were less focused on feeding the mind.  I was groomed to work and study hard, and though you want to live comfortably it’s the essence that truly matters. Those values are what I instilled in my children too. From a young age my daughter was busy that she hopes to get into…! I laughed her off saying that we do not have the money and she’ll have to settle for less. But no! She worked hard at it to succeed. She received a free scholarship and passed through while working hard to achieve it. But honestly, more than any As I am proud to see their polished character and willingness to help each other.

What do you love about working with White Glove?

For one, I heart me job! I’m a nurse since 1990 and the experience in the school I am working at currently – there is nothing like it! My coordinator, Shayna, is there for me, and you can tell when truly cares. She’ll do everything she can to address my slightest issue, or else she would point me in the right direction. My concerns truly concern her. White Glove treats me like an individual part of a team, not just another name in the database. I got a welcome lunch when I started, a gift card for spring, a gift for holidays, another gift card for my Birthday. Can you tell me which agency does that?

 Any message you would like to impart to more nurses?

From my experience I have seen that nursing brings you to a level of gratitude for all we have. Seeing the children fighting to do what comes easy for others. They push us to be stronger, to be heard. There is so much to learn from them, and from our patients. It is important to allow ourselves to embrace our daily blessings we may have otherwise looked over.
