Annual Blue Trophy Awarded - White Glove Community Care
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Annual Blue Trophy Awarded

Annual Blue Trophy Awarded to Kourtney Smith

On January 26th, Moshe Stareshefsky, White Glove Chief Executive officer announced the nomination of Kourtney Smith, LPN to receive the Annual Blue Trophy for 2023. Kourtney has been working with White Glove for more than seven years, leaving her mark on every patient she visits. “Kourtney Smith truly exemplifies the excellence, caring and sincerity we highlight at White Glove Community Care.” Moshe Stareshefsky said in his statement.

 “Kourtney is a nurse on a mission.” adds Macy Seltzer, White Glove Staffing Coordinator. “She is mindful about making every day be a day.” Mostly working with the geriatric population, Kourtney does more than performing nursing duties.

Kourtney’s patients joke that when Kourtney attends a shift, they feel what they call the “Kourtney Difference.”

Sylvia Blum, granddaughter of Kourtney’s patient, H.B. says. “Kourtney addresses my grandmother with a sense of camaraderie and friendship. To Kourtney, it does not matter that the patient is nonverbal or non-ambulatory. They are equally addressed with a respect as human beings.”

Kourtney feels that caring for her sick father under hospice care in 2021, then his death that followed gave her a profound sense of appreciation for helping patients in their end-of-life journey. Though she occasionally will fill in for pediatric patients too, Kourtney has a special place in her heart for the older population. “They are great people whose lives are dwindling down. They deserve a beautiful end of life.” Kourtney set her goals for 2023 to continue her education to become an even better nurse to her patients.

White Glove Community Care takes this time to recognize all of the accomplished White Glove healthcare professionals for their continued dedication and caring. We hereby wish you a year of much career growth, success, and happiness. We look forward to continue supporting our teams and celebrating you every day in 2023.
